Lodge News

St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

January 2015 Newsletter

One of the stated duties of the Senior Warden is to pay the Craft their wages, if any be due. I wasn’t handed a paymaster’s bag upon installation, so of course the question many new members of the Craft often ask is “what are my wages?”. According to several Masonic dictionaries, wages are payments made...
St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

December 2014 Newsletter

Whatever your religion, take a look your Holy Scrolls or Books and actually read what the Great Almighty expects. To the Hebrew: there are many Misvot (Commandments), the first ten we learn, brought down by Moses, are the basics, but I have read were there are actually 613. To the Christian, in I Thessalonians 5:...
St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

November 2014 Newsletter

Brethren: I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the brethren for electing me and allowing me to serve as the Worshipful Master of St. James Lodge for 2015. I look forward to serving the lodge. The team of elected and appointed officers met and are working together to have a year filled with...
St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

October 2014 Newsletter

Brethren: The year is coming to a close. Soon a new slate of officers will embark on another year – the 171st — in the storied history of St. James Lodge. I wish them the very best. May they continue to build upon the rich traditions of the Lodge and make our forefathers proud.
St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

September 2014 Newsletter

Brethren: St. James Lodge will recognize and honor its Past Masters at an OPEN MEETING on Thursday, October 16th. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. We will have the opportunity to thank each of them for their service to the Lodge. The meeting affords a great opportunity to invite your guests so they may...
St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

August 2014 Newsletter

I was recently in Washington DC for a Scottish Rite event, and had the wonderful opportunity to attend Sunday morning services at the National Cathedral. The message that morning could not have been more timely. The emphasis was to be deliberate in your actions and practices, do not simply go through the motions unthinkingly but...
St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

July 2014 Newsletter

St. James Lodge is privileged to have, thanks to the generosity of Brethren who have gone before us, a fine Masonic library that encompasses books on Masonic history, philosophy, ritual, theory, and many other topics. This library is available to any Brother who desires to borrow a book, just make sure you sign the check...
St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

June 2014 Newsletter

In my recent reading of the HOML the Constitution of the Grand Lodge simply states that the Lodges shall be divided into districts, and that the boundaries of the districts may be altered by the Grand Master whenever necessary. This wording has led to some very interesting district arrangements over the History of the Grand...
St. James Lodge Newsletter Image

May 2014 Newsletter

I recently read a fascinating article on some disconnects in today’s increasingly connected world. The ancient Greeks had two different words for knowledge, gnosis and epignosis. Gnosis can be translated as practical knowledge, or intellectual knowledge. It is this level of knowledge that we frequently share in today’s social media driven world, knowledge of who,...
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