December 2020 Newsletter

Remarks from the Outgoing Master

Greetings Brethren! As we come to the close of a very unorthodox year, It is a good time to count our blessings and take note of the positive things that happened to us this year. We raised no less than 4 brothers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. This space is essentially a blank canvas to design our new space in the unique light of St. James Lodge. Please also join me in congratulating Worshipful Josh Tucker on his installation! It was a pleasure serving the lodge as Master this past year. While it was definitely full of challenges, I would say it helped the lodge grow stronger as well.

I wish all St James a members and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Fraternally Yours,
R. Thomas Broadwell, PM

Lodge News

The Brothers met November 19, 2020 and shared fellowship. No business was conducted.  

On December 3rd, Most Worshipful Bro. Woody Bilyeu, as installing master, installed the elected and appointed officers to their stations. 

worshipful master josh tucker installment

The Trestle Board

December 17th: Masonic Education (the Feast of Saint John the Evangelist)

January 7th: Masonic Education (Growing Freemasonry in the 21st Century)

January 21st: [Tentative] Masonic Education (The Hiramic Legend in the Scottish Rite tradition)

St. James Masonic Lodge, Senior Warden View

The Secretary’s Desk

Greetings Brothers. The holidays are officially upon us! Christmas is only a week away, and our Jewish brothers are already in the middle of Hanukkah.

In pre-Christian times, Yule was a holiday held on the winter solstice to recognize the shortest (darkest) time of the year. Celebrants would decorate their homes with holly and mistletoe, vibrant green and red plants to remind themselves of the returning bounty of spring. This year, these lessons hit particularly home for us. Twenty twenty has been a year filled with grief and hope, including in the lodge. We’ve lost brothers to COVID-19. We have to wear masks everywhere we go. But, the end is within sight. And while we’ve lost some brothers to the pandemic, we’ve also gained new, young master masons during this time who are passionate about the craft.

One of my less pleasant responsibilities is ensuring the reception of all dues owed to the lodge. In the spirit of the holidays, I would like to avoid channeling the spirit of Ebenezer Scrooge. That said, many brothers do still owe dues for 2021. These dues are not just a means securing your membership card, but are a necessity for the lodge to pay its bills. With this in mind, I would like to encourage my brothers to pay their dues by the end of the year. If any brothers find themselves in hard times, please reach out to me. You can check your balance in the Grand View system. Members now have the choice to pay online as well as the traditional method of paying by check to P.O. Box 444 Baton Rouge, La 70821.

Fraternally Yours,
Bro. Cody Cifelli, Secretary